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Ansys Python Scripting Tutorials


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Ansys & SQL Server

1 Requirements 2 Data Modelling 3 SQL Server
Requirements Data Modelling Ansys & SQL Server
4 MySQL Server 5 PostgreSQL  
MySQL PostgreSQL  

Ansys & Excel

1 Excel 2 SQL like Query on Excel

Ansys Python Scripting Tutorials

1 Introduction 2 Command Window & ACT Console 3 Python Basics
Introduction Command Window & ACT Console Python Basics
4 DataModel, Project & Model 5 Selection Manager 6 Geometry
DataModel, Project & Model Selection Manager Geometry
7 Geodata 8 Named Selection 9 Quantity
Geodata Named Selection Quantity
10 Units 11 Materials 12 Engineering Data Materials
Units Materials Engineering Data Materials
13 Coordinate Systems 14 Connections 15 Contact Region
Coordinate Systems Connections Contact Region
16 Joints 17 Bushing Worksheet 18 Named Selection Worksheet
Joints Bushing Worksheet Named Selection Worksheet
19 Mesh 20 MeshData 21 Analyses & Analysis
Mesh MeshData Analyses & Analysis
22 Analysis Settings 23 Multi Step Load  
Analysis Settings Multi Step Load  

[Important] clr module

In IronPython, clr is a module allows which you to work with .NET assemblies and interact with .NET objects. clr.AddReference, clr.AddReferenceToFile, and clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath are methods provided by clr to add references to .NET assemblies. The choice of which method to use depends on your specific requirements and the location of the assembly you want to reference.

  1. clr.AddReference(assembly_name): This method is used to add a reference to a .NET assembly by its name. It’s often used when the assembly is already in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or is available in the current application domain. Here’s an example:
import clr

# Now you can use classes from the System.Windows.Forms assembly
import System.Windows.Forms
form = System.Windows.Forms.Form()
  1. clr.AddReferenceToFile(assembly_file): This method is used when you have the assembly file (DLL) available locally, and you want to reference it by specifying the file path. Here’s an example:
import clr

# Now you can use classes from the MyAssembly assembly
import MyNamespace
my_instance = MyNamespace.MyClass()
  1. clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath(assembly_file, search_paths): This method is similar to clr.AddReferenceToFile, but it allows you to specify a list of directories to search for the assembly. This can be useful when the assembly is not in the current working directory, and you want to specify additional search paths. Here’s an example:
import clr
search_paths = ["C:/Path/To/Assemblies", "D:/Another/Path"]
clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath("MyAssembly.dll", search_paths)

# Now you can use classes from the MyAssembly assembly
import MyNamespace
my_instance = MyNamespace.MyClass()

In summary, use clr.AddReference when the assembly is in the GAC or the current application domain, clr.AddReferenceToFile when you have the assembly file locally, and clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath when you have the assembly file but need to specify additional search paths. The choice depends on the availability and location of the assembly you want to reference in your Python code.